
Note: This blog is a companion to Galion Garden Group 
GGG is Aquaponics oriented, yet many of the
 topics there may be of value to you.
TOPICS = Active Community Gardens across the nation, Urban Gardening as a Business, Results on 1/10 of an acre, Neighbors discussing concerns, ... 
The following videos give a glimpse of the how and why of community gardening beyond producing food stuff.
Sunshine Community Garden * ZACHEDICK * [8:49]
Urban Agriculture in Atlanta * PBA30 * [10:30]
Don’t miss this one! Multiple garden groups using vacant space, having classes and connecting people. A 10' x 20' plot saves $600+ at the grocery store.

Urban Gardening Feeds The Hungry * 100huntley * [9:16]
A profile of a community garden at West Highland Baptist church, that's growing fresh vegetables and giving them away to those less fortunate.


An Urban Farm Feeds Local Neighborhood with Help from Disabled * foodfarmearth * 7:02 mins.
Tim Donovan, who calls himself "a farmer and maker," leads the agriculture team at Project Grow, a program of Port City Development Center, an arts and farming organization that works with adults with disabilities. The project brings together people active in the arts, farming and community organizing and has grown from one small plot of about an eighth of an acre to four plots covering more than an acre and a half.

Rooftop agriculture: Farming NYC * euronewsknowledge * [3:50]
Above the streets of New York, a new generation of farmers is doing something productive in spaces that normally go to waste.


 Here are some interesting folks doing urban farming. Can you watch these videos and NOT start or expand an urban garden?

The first 3 entries are interviews and opinions about the value and rewards of plot farming within city limits by those who have turned gardening into a business. In these times, starting your own business isn't a bad idea.

The next 3 show what can be done on a 1/10th of an acre.

Meet your Urban Farmer - Urban Digs * fireandlightmedia * [8:18]
Julia:  “For food security, grow your own food. Know where your food comes from and how it is grown.”


Meet your Urban Farmer - Sole Food Farms * fireandlightmedia * [8:04]
Seann addresses urban farming, politics, charity, and community self-sustainability.


Meet your Urban Farmer - Victory Gardens * fireandlightmedia * [11:53]    Sandra = “Everyone should know what a fresh vegetable tastes like.”


Walking the residential streets in every direction from the Public Square for exercise on a not-so-daily basis GGG/GCG Admin. (that's me, rdh) noticed many homes that show pride of ownership. Many of the deep lots display a small garden in the huge backyard. Back in the day homes were built with a large backyard so the homeowners could have a garden!

Here's a thought - could one resident on each block in Galion share their unused space with their neighbors and create a block community garden?

Could two property owners on the same block each have a block community garden? Why not?
Check out these 3 videos!

6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre - Urban Farm - Urban Homestead

Suburban Homesteading Edible Victory Garden Edible Estate on 1/10th acre.
John has over 800 gardening videos worth a perusal. He visits other gardeners, goes to trade shows and demonstrates his own gardening practices.

Permaculture Paradise at Val's Garden! johnny mars * [48:25]
Val suggests we can create our own paradise where we are.


Being self sufficient with urban farming * GreenDesertTV * [4:31]

Shouldn't we continue this conversation in Galion? What are your thoughts?

More to come...


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