Monday, October 21, 2013

Why establishing Urban Gardens is important

Note: This blog is a companion to Galion Garden Group 
GGG is Aquaponics oriented, yet many of the
 topics there may be of value to you.

Community Gardens are important social, economic and environmental sectors of neighborhoods because they provide fresh local healthy food to the participants and hopefully, with management and growth in size and/or locations, to others in the immediate municipal region.

Ideally, communal gardening provides exercise, pride of accomplishment, shared knowledge and positive collective experiences. Usually, a percent of each harvest is ear-marked for the needy.
Development of multiple community gardens in partnership with local organic and/or naturally grown practicing farmers facilitates a long-term sustainable environment for the citizens of the community.

Bountiful, well-tended gardens with fresh non-GMO (genetically modified organism) and non-GEO (genetically engineered organism) loaded produce will attract certain positive attention and sales of heirloom seeds, transplants and/or produce harvests.

Income to the producers has a multiplier effect for positive community economics, as does the wages of employed workers in a for-profit operation or co-operative enterprise.

Environmental best practices being implemented and taught enlightens the general public’s awareness of the harm our current global food delivery system and mono-crop practices have on society and the eco-system.

Participating in a community garden program is a step toward self-reliance and continuing the practice of natural food production is a positive impactful way of protesting the current corporate consumer food delivery system and practices, as well as ensuring a better quality of food for ourselves, our families and our community.

Galion Community Gardens blob administrator believes it is time to extend Willie’s quote one step further and grow as much of our own food stuffs as we can. Do you agree?
More to come...

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