Note: This blog is a companion to Galion Garden Group
GGG is Aquaponics oriented, yet many of the
topics there may be of value to you.
GGG is Aquaponics oriented, yet many of the
topics there may be of value to you.
This listing is only some of the active community gardens in Ohio. The value of watching them is to see what others are doing, but more importantly to hear how they did it. Listen for what resources they found to support their efforts, where they acquired financial support and grants, and other gems.
SEE: Local Resources
Student Gardening at Ohio University * OhioUniv *[3:00]
Urban Farm Markets * Our Ohio * [6:46]
From Rust Belt to Green Belt: Urban Gardening Blooms in Cleveland * OSU Extension * [6:08]
MarciaLFudge * [3:33]
10,000 pounds of food on 2½ acres. Committing 26 acres.
Hooper Farm Cleveland, Ohio * Shila Iris * [5:40]
Urban Growth Farm *
NEOFoodWeb * [11:18]
Peter McDermott talks about Urban Growth, a 1/3 acre urban farm on the west side of Cleveland where he and his partner Virginia utilize SPIN, permaculture, and Elliot Coleman influenced production to maximize yields on limited space.West side of Cleveland
Meagan of Gather 'Round Farm in Cleveland Ohio Talks About Urban Farming, Using Waste and the Local Food Chain * Nathan Winters * [5:01]
GardenWalk Cleveland 2011 * NEOFoodWeb * [8:13]
Brief Applause: Cleveland Botanical Garden's Green Corps
WVIZPBS * [7:41]
WVIZPBS * [7:41]
Urban gardens help make downtown Cleveland more green
Jeremy Borger * [4:22]
Jeremy Borger * [4:22]
Cleveland Urban Agriculture * OSU * [0:28]
Extension creates micro businesses???
Ohio City Fresh Food Collaborative
NEOFoodWeb * [9:56]
NEOFoodWeb * [9:56]
Metropolitan Housing Authority property leased for $10 a year.
Refugees from around the world work in the garden.
Cleveland, OH
The Unity garden in Steubenville OH * The art of being One *[1:59]
Urban Food Garden * Tom Kippen * [2:21]
The Seagate Foodbank of Northwest Ohio is growing an urban garden. And is hoping to set an example for the neighborhoods inside Toledo. WNWO's Tom Kippen reports.
Maurice Small "Urban Gardening Guru" in Youngstown 2
Bellamy * Youngstown, OH * [4:11]
Income =
$10,000 on 1/8th acre.
More to come...
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